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Browse Components



Avatars provide a visual representation of a user to enhance personalization and recognition.

stable since 1.0



Badges display useful information or notifications such as a new feature or an unread message count.

stable since 1.0



Breadcrumbs offer a trail of links that correspond to an app or website's hierarchy, making navigation more predictable for users.

stable since 1.0

Breadcrumb Item


Breadcrumb items represent a single link or step in the hierarchical structure of an app or website.

stable since 1.0



Buttons allow users to navigate, submit forms, and perform other actions.

stable since 1.0

Button Group


Button groups display related buttons in a stylized group.

stable since 1.0



Formats an arbitrary number of bytes or bits into a human-readable size.

stable since 1.0



Callouts draw attention to important information, provide context, or prompt users to take action.

stable since 1.0



Cards provide a flexible and visually appealing way to organize and present content in a consistent and easily digestible format.

stable since 1.0



Checkboxes let users select one or more options from a list or toggle single options on and off.

stable since 1.0

Checkbox Group


Checkbox groups let you attach a label and description to a group of related checkboxes or switches.

stable since 1.0

Color Picker


Color pickers provide an interface for selecting a color using a two-dimension slider for luminosity and saturation and regular sliders for hue and opacity.

stable since 1.0



Copy buttons let you copy text and other types of data to the clipboard.

stable since 1.0



Outputs a date or time in the specified format.

stable since 1.0



Dialogs display modal content for alerts, confirmations, configurations, and other important interactions that require immediate attention.

stable since 1.0



Dividers separate and group content visually.

stable since 1.0



Dropdowns provide a menu of options that appear when the corresponding trigger is activated.

stable since 1.0

Dropdown Item


Dropdown items can be selected from inside a dropdown menu.

stable since 1.0

Empty State


Empty states guide users during first-time experiences or when content is missing, transforming blank spaces into opportunities with helpful visuals and clear actions.

stable since 1.0

File Input


File inputs let the user select files to upload to the server.

stable since 1.0

Fit Text


Scales a line of text to fit within its container.

stable since 1.0

Flip Card


Flip cards display information on two sides, allowing users to flip between the front and back with the click of a button.

stable since 1.0



Hotkeys show keyboard shortcut combinations based on the user's operating system.

stable since 1.0



Icons provide a visual representation of an object, action, or idea.

stable since 1.0



Includes let you pull content from another file into your page.

stable since 1.0

Lorem Ipsum


Outputs placeholder text for testing designs with random content.

stable since 1.0



Outputs a number in the specified format.

stable since 1.0



Passcodes let users enter fixed-length passcodes, verification tokens, one-time codes, and similar data in a user-friendly way.

stable since 1.0



Popovers provide additional information or functionality without interrupting the flow of content.

stable since 1.0



Progress bars represent the completion status of a request or task.

stable since 1.0



Generates a QR Code.

stable since 1.0



Radios let the user select one option from a group of choices.

stable since 1.0

Radio Item


Radio items represent individual choices within a radio.

stable since 1.0



Ratings let users provide feedback based on their satisfaction with a product or service.

stable since 1.0

Relative Time


Outputs a relative time in a human-readable format.

stable since 1.0

Search List


Search lists let you query a collection of items based on their content and keywords.

stable since 1.0



Selects let users choose an option from a predefined list of options.

stable since 1.0



Share buttons let users share links, files and text via their operating system's share interface.

stable since 1.0

Slide Activator


Slide activators give users a draggable thumb that must be moved to the end of its track to trigger an action.

stable since 1.0



Sliders let users select numeric values within a given range by moving a thumb along a track.

stable since 1.0.0



Spinners tell the user that content is loading or a request is processing in the background.

stable since 1.0



Spoilers conceal sensitive content and give the user the option of showing it or not, preventing unintentional disclosure.

stable since 1.0



Stamps render templates with simple expressions, logic, and custom data.

experimental since 1.0



Switches let the user toggle between two mutually exclusive states, such as on and off.

stable since 1.0



Tabs describe and select a tab panel within a tab list.

stable since 1.0

Tab List


Tab lists let users switch between different sections of content without leaving the page, providing a clean and organized interface.

stable since 1.0

Tab Panel


Tab panels hold the content that gets displayed when a tab is selected.

stable since 1.0

Text Area


Text areas let users edit multi-line, plain text content.

stable since 1.0

Text Field


Text fields let users input and edit text.

stable since 1.0



Toolbar turns a collection of buttons and button groups into an accessible toolbar.

stable since 1.0



Tooltips provide additional information when the user hovers or focuses on an element.

stable since 1.0

Transition Group


Transition groups improve the user's experience by adding subtle animations as items are added, removed, and reordered in the group.

stable since 1.0

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