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QR Code

<quiet-qr> stable since 1.0

Generates a QR Code.

QR codes offer an efficient way to direct mobile users to websites, exchange contact details, process mobile transactions, and other digital interactions through a simple scan.

<quiet-qr data="" label="QR code to visit Quiet UI on the Web"></quiet-qr>

In the same way that images require alt text, you should add a label to every QR code. The label won't be displayed, but it will be announced by assistive devices.

Examples Jump to heading

Setting data Jump to heading

Set the data attribute to a URL, email address, or any other string you want to encode.

<div id="qr__text">
  <quiet-qr data=""></quiet-qr>
  <quiet-text-field label="URL, email address, or other text" value="" clearable></quiet-text-field>

  const container = document.getElementById('qr__text');
  const qrCode = container.querySelector('quiet-qr');
  const textField = container.querySelector('quiet-text-field');

  textField.addEventListener('quiet-input', () => { = textField.value;

  #qr__text quiet-text-field {
    margin-block-start: 1rem;

Changing the size Jump to heading

Use the size attribute to set the QR code's generated size in pixels. The internal image is rendered at 2× the specified size so the QR code will be clear even on high pixel density displays.

<div id="qr__size">
  <quiet-slider label="Size" min="64" max="256" value="160" orientation="vertical" with-tooltip tooltip-placement="left"></quiet-slider>
  <quiet-qr data="" size="160"></quiet-qr>

  const container = document.getElementById('qr__size');
  const slider = container.querySelector('quiet-slider');
  const qrCode = container.querySelector('quiet-qr');

  slider.addEventListener('quiet-input', () => {
    qrCode.size = slider.value;

  #qr__size {
    display: flex;
    align-items: center;
    gap: 4rem;
    min-height: 256px;

You can apply max-width and/or max-height styles to the host element to make the QR code responsive.

Changing the color Jump to heading

The QR code's color is determined by the current text color. To change it, set the CSS color property on the host element or an ancestor element.

  data="Cats cannot scan these codes" 
  style="color: deeppink;"

Styling QR codes Jump to heading

The element's background is transparent by default, but you can style it with CSS if you want a solid color, gradient, padding, etc. Set the corners attribute to a value between 0 and 0.5 to make the inside corners of the QR code's bits sharp or round.

    background: radial-gradient(circle at 10% 20%, rgb(255, 200, 124) 0%, rgb(252, 251, 121) 90%);
    color: #4e3f26;
    padding: 1rem;
    border-radius: .5rem;

    background: radial-gradient(circle at 12.3% 19.3%, rgb(85, 88, 218) 0%, rgb(95, 209, 249) 100.2%);
    color: white;
    padding: 1rem;
    border-radius: .5rem;

API Jump to heading

Importing Jump to heading

The autoloader is the recommended way to import components but, if you prefer to do it manually, the following code snippets will be helpful.

CDN npm

To manually import <quiet-qr> from the CDN, use the following code.

import '';

To manually import <quiet-qr> from npm, use the following code.

import '@quietui/quiet/dist/components/qr/qr.js';

Properties Jump to heading

QR Code has the following properties that can be set with corresponding attributes. In many cases, the attribute's name is the same as the property's name. If an attribute is different, it will be displayed after the property. Learn more about attributes and properties

Property / Attribute Description Reflects Type Default
data A string of data to encode. URLs, email addresses, and other types of text are fine. string ''
label A descriptive label for assistive devices. This will not be shown, but it will be announced by screen readers. If no label is provided, the raw data will be used instead. string ''
Determines the level of error correction. The values correspond to those in the QR Code specification . 'L'
corners The corner radius of the blocks that make up the QR code. For best results, keep this within 0–0.5. number 0.25
size The size of the resulting code in pixels. In most cases, 128–512 is ideal. number 128
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