Stamps render templates with simple expressions, logic, and custom data.
This component "stamps out" HTML based on a <template>
and data attributes you
provide. Stamps support expressions in attributes and content as well as basic conditionals. To keep the
stamp component as lightweight and performant as possible, loops and complex expressions are not supported.
When you need to make changes to repetitive content, stamps make it easy by letting you edit a single template rather than multiple instances. They also help reduce boilerplate in situations where content repeats.
<div id="stamp__overview"> <!-- Template --> <template id="user-card"> <quiet-card class="user"> <quiet-avatar label="{label}" image="{image}"></quiet-avatar> <div class="info"> <h3>{name}</h3> <p>{tagline}</p> </div> <quiet-button if="{canEdit}" icon-label="Edit"> <quiet-icon name="edit"></quiet-icon> </quiet-button> </quiet-card> </template> <!-- First stamp --> <quiet-stamp template="user-card" data-name="Meowy McGee" data-tagline="Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose." data-label="Profile pic" data-can-edit="true" data-image="" ></quiet-stamp> <!-- Second stamp --> <quiet-stamp template="user-card" data-name="Lady Pawington" data-tagline="Professional sunbeam chaser and nap enthusiast." data-label="Profile pic" data-can-edit="true" data-image="" ></quiet-stamp> <!-- Third stamp --> <quiet-stamp template="user-card" data-name="Sir Whiskertons III" data-tagline="Living all nine lives to the fullest, one treat at a time." data-label="Profile pic" data-can-edit="false" data-image="" ></quiet-stamp> </div> <style> #stamp__overview { display: flex; flex-direction: column; gap: .5rem; .user { &::part(body) { display: flex; gap: 1rem; align-items: center; } quiet-avatar { flex: 0 0 auto; } .info { flex: 1 1 auto; display: flex; gap: .25rem; flex-direction: column; } h3 { font-size: 1.125rem; line-height: 1; margin-block: 0; } p { margin-block-end: 0; } } } </style>
Examples Jump to heading
Writing templates Jump to heading
Before using a stamp, you must create a <template>
with an ID of your choice. Templates
can include just about any HTML you want. To render a template, add a
element and set the template
attribute to the template's id.
The rendered template will be appended to the DOM inside the stamp component.
In most cases, templates aren't very useful without data. To pass data to a stamp, add one or more
data attributes
to it. You can reference the data in the template using expressions that look like
, where propertyName is a
property name that corresponds to a data attribute you've supplied, e.g. data-first-name
can be
referenced in a template using {firstName}
Once a template is rendered, changes to data attributes will not trigger a rerender. To force a
rerender, you can call the renderTemplate()
method which will replace the content, breaking any
references to existing elements.
Avoid using <script>
and <style>
tags in your template because they'll
be duplicated each time the template is rendered.
<!-- Create a template --> <template id="user-template"> <h3 class="name">{name}</h3> <div class="tagline">{tagline}</div> </template> <!-- Stamp it out --> <quiet-stamp template="user-template" data-name="Meowy McGee" data-tagline="Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose." ></quiet-stamp>
Expressions can be used in attributes and content, but will not be processed when placed in other areas of a template such as tag interpolation.
The template element must be in the DOM when the stamp is connected, otherwise the template won't be rendered and a warning will be shown in the console.
Boolean attributes Jump to heading
Boolean attributes, such as <button disabled>
, are true when the attribute is present and
false when the attribute is absent. Boolean attributes can be denoted in templates using a
prefix, e.g. ?disabled
A truthy comparison is done to determine if the attribute should be applied. All values aside from
, null
, undefined
, ""
, NaN
, -0
, and 0n
are considered truthy.
<template id="button-template"> <button ?disabled="{isDisabled}">Click me</button> </template> <quiet-stamp template="button-template" data-is-disabled="false"></quiet-stamp> <quiet-stamp template="button-template" data-is-disabled="true"></quiet-stamp>
HTML expressions Jump to heading
Expressions are HTML-escaped by default, but you can add :html
to any content expression to
render the raw, unescaped HTML.
Using this option can be dangerous! Make sure you trust the included content, otherwise your app may become vulnerable to XSS exploits!
Escaping expressions Jump to heading
To escape an expression, add a \ character immediately before the opening curly bracket.
Escaped expressions will not be evaluated and will be rendered as-is minus the backslash.
Conditionals Jump to heading
To show an element based on a truthy value, use the special if={expression}
attribute. The
element will only be shown when the expression is truthy.
<div if="{someValue}"> I will only be shown when someValue is truthy </div>
The inverse of this is the unless
attribute, which shows an element when the value is
not truthy.
<div unless="{someValue}"> I will only be shown when someValue is falsy </div>
Like boolean attributes, all values aside from false
, null
, ""
, NaN
, 0
, -0
, and
are considered truthy.
Replacing on render Jump to heading
If you don't want the <quiet-stamp>
element to remain in the DOM after rendering, use the
attribute. With this option, the component will stamp out the specified template and
replace itself with the content.
This can be useful for controlling exactly what appears in the DOM, but it can also be confusing for developers who may not understand how the stamped content was generated.
Where did it go?
Go ahead and inspect the DOM. The stamp has been replaced by this content.
<template id="replaceable-template"> <h3 style="margin-block: 0;">Where did it go?</h3> <p> Go ahead and inspect the DOM. The stamp has been replaced by this content. </p> </template> <quiet-stamp template="replaceable-template" replace ></quiet-stamp>
API Jump to heading
Importing Jump to heading
The autoloader is the recommended way to import components but, if you prefer to do it manually, the following code snippets will be helpful.
To manually import <quiet-stamp>
from the CDN, use the following code.
import '';
To manually import <quiet-stamp>
from npm, use the following code.
import '@quietui/quiet/dist/components/stamp/stamp.js';
Properties Jump to heading
Stamp has the following properties that can be set with corresponding attributes. In many cases, the attribute's name is the same as the property's name. If an attribute is different, it will be displayed after the property. Learn more about attributes and properties
Property / Attribute | Description | Reflects | Type | Default |
The ID of the <template> element to use as a stamp.
When true, the stamped content will replace the <quiet-stamp> element instead of
being appended to it. This can be useful for controlling exactly what appears in the DOM, but it can
also be confusing for developers who may not understand how the stamped content was generated.
Methods Jump to heading
Stamp supports the following methods. You can obtain a reference to the element and call them like functions in JavaScript. Learn more about methods
Name | Description | Arguments |
renderTemplate() |
Processes the associated template and renders it to the DOM. |