Checkboxes let users select one or more options from a list or toggle single options on and off.
<quiet-checkbox name="feed" value="yes">I will feed the cats</quiet-checkbox>
Examples Jump to heading
Checked initially Jump to heading
Add the checked
attribute to check the checkbox initially.
<quiet-checkbox name="feed" value="yes" checked>I will feed the cats</quiet-checkbox>
Filled checkboxes Jump to heading
Set the appearance
attribute to filled
to change the checkbox's appearance.
<quiet-checkbox appearance="filled">Filled checkbox</quiet-checkbox>
Changing the size Jump to heading
Use the size
attribute to change the checkbox's size.
<quiet-checkbox size="xs">Extra small</quiet-checkbox><br> <quiet-checkbox size="sm">Small</quiet-checkbox><br> <quiet-checkbox size="md">Medium</quiet-checkbox><br> <quiet-checkbox size="lg">Large</quiet-checkbox><br> <quiet-checkbox size="xl">Extra large</quiet-checkbox>
Indeterminate Jump to heading
Use the indeterminate
attribute to put the checkbox in an indeterminate state. This can be used
to show a mixed selection in a group of "child" checkboxes.
<quiet-checkbox indeterminate>Indeterminate</quiet-checkbox>
Disabling Jump to heading
Use the disabled
attribute to disable the checkbox.
<quiet-checkbox disabled>Unchecked and disabled</quiet-checkbox><br> <quiet-checkbox checked disabled>Checked and disabled</quiet-checkbox><br> <quiet-checkbox indeterminate disabled>Indeterminate and disabled</quiet-checkbox>
Validation Jump to heading
The required
attribute can be applied to enable validation using the
Constraint Validation API. This will prevent form submission until the checkbox is checked.
<form action="about:blank" method="get" target="_blank"> <quiet-checkbox name="feed" value="yes" required>I will feed the cats</quiet-checkbox> <br><br> <quiet-button type="submit" variant="primary">Submit</quiet-button> <quiet-button type="reset">Reset</quiet-button> </form>
Using custom validation Jump to heading
Use the custom-validity
attribute to make the checkbox invalid and show a custom error message
on submit. This will override all other validation parameters. To clear the error, remove the attribute or
set it to an empty string.
<form action="about:blank" method="get" target="_blank"> <quiet-checkbox name="feed" value="yes" required custom-validity="Not so fast, bubba!">I will feed the cats</quiet-checkbox> <br><br> <quiet-button type="submit" variant="primary">Submit</quiet-button> <quiet-button type="reset">Reset</quiet-button> </form>
Most validation attributes work exactly like their native counterparts. However, the
attribute is offered in lieu of the setCustomValidity()
This allows you to declaratively set custom errors instead of having to call a method with JavaScript.
Styling validation Jump to heading
You can style valid and invalid checkboxes using the :valid
and :invalid
<form action="about:blank" method="get" target="_blank" class="checkbox__validation-pseudo"> <quiet-checkbox name="feed" value="yes" required>I will feed the cats</quiet-checkbox> <br><br> <quiet-button type="submit" variant="primary">Submit</quiet-button> <quiet-button type="reset">Reset</quiet-button> </form> <style> .checkbox__validation-pseudo { quiet-checkbox:valid { outline: solid 2px var(--quiet-constructive-stroke-mid); outline-offset: .5rem; } quiet-checkbox:invalid { outline: solid 2px var(--quiet-destructive-stroke-mid); outline-offset: .5rem; } } </style>
However, these selectors will match even before the user has had a chance to fill out the form. More often
than not, you'll want to use the user-valid
and user-invalid
custom states instead. This way, validation styles are only shown
after the user interacts with the form control or when the form is submitted.
<form action="about:blank" method="get" target="_blank" class="checkbox__validation-custom"> <quiet-checkbox name="feed" value="yes" required>I will feed the cats</quiet-checkbox> <br><br> <quiet-button type="submit" variant="primary">Submit</quiet-button> <quiet-button type="reset">Reset</quiet-button> </form> <style> .checkbox__validation-custom { quiet-checkbox:state(user-valid) { outline: solid 2px var(--quiet-constructive-stroke-mid); outline-offset: .5rem; } quiet-checkbox:state(user-invalid) { outline: solid 2px var(--quiet-destructive-stroke-mid); outline-offset: .5rem; } } </style>
Styling checkboxes Jump to heading
Checkboxes come with a simple, minimal appearance. Feel free to customize them with your own styles. Here's a quick way to turn a checkbox into a selectable tile.
<quiet-checkbox checked class="checkbox__tile"> <quiet-icon name="ball-basketball"></quiet-icon> <span>Basketball</span> </quiet-checkbox> <quiet-checkbox class="checkbox__tile"> <quiet-icon name="ball-american-football"></quiet-icon> <span>Football</span> </quiet-checkbox> <quiet-checkbox class="checkbox__tile"> <quiet-icon name="ping-pong"></quiet-icon> <span>Ping-pong</span> </quiet-checkbox> <style> .checkbox__tile { position: relative; border: solid 1px var(--quiet-neutral-stroke-soft); border-radius: var(--quiet-border-radius); box-shadow: var(--quiet-shadow-softer); &::part(label) { display: flex; flex-direction: column; gap: .5rem; padding: 2rem 1.5rem .5rem 1.5rem; } &::part(visual-box) { position: absolute; top: 0.5rem; left: 0.5rem; } quiet-icon { font-size: 4rem; stroke-width: .75px; } span { font-size: .875rem; color: var(--quiet-primary-text-on-soft); } &:state(checked) { background-color: var(--quiet-primary-fill-softer); border-color: var(--quiet-primary-stroke-mid); } } </style>
<quiet-checkbox checked class="checkbox__image"> <img draggable="false" src="" alt="A gray kitten plays with a blue toy mouse"> </quiet-checkbox> <quiet-checkbox class="checkbox__image"> <img draggable="false" src="" alt="A gray kitten practices prowling on a brown floor"> </quiet-checkbox> <quiet-checkbox class="checkbox__image"> <img draggable="false" src="" alt="A gray kitten looks at the camera from behind a tree"> </quiet-checkbox> <style> .checkbox__image { isolation: isolate; position: relative; img { display: block; width: 150px; height: 150px; object-fit: cover; border-radius: .25rem; } &::part(visual-box) { position: absolute; bottom: .5rem; left: .5rem; width: 1.5rem; height: 1.5rem; border: none; background-color: color-mix(in oklab, black, transparent 50%); } &:state(checked)::part(visual-box) { background-color: var(--quiet-primary-fill-mid); } &::part(check-icon) { scale: .75; } } </style>
It's not recommended to hide the checkbox unless your styles make it very clear to users that the control is checkable.
API Jump to heading
Importing Jump to heading
The autoloader is the recommended way to import components but, if you prefer to do it manually, the following code snippets will be helpful.
To manually import <quiet-checkbox>
from the CDN, use the following code.
import '';
To manually import <quiet-checkbox>
from npm, use the following code.
import '@quietui/quiet/dist/components/checkbox/checkbox.js';
Slots Jump to heading
Checkbox supports the following slots. Learn more about using slots
Name | Description |
(default) |
The checkbox's label. For plain-text labels, you can use the label attribute instead.
Properties Jump to heading
Checkbox has the following properties that can be set with corresponding attributes. In many cases, the attribute's name is the same as the property's name. If an attribute is different, it will be displayed after the property. Learn more about attributes and properties
Property / Attribute | Description | Reflects | Type | Default |
A reference to the <form> associated with the form control, or
null if no form is associated.
The checkbox's label. If you need to provide HTML in the label, use the label slot
The name of the checkbox. This will be submitted with the form as a name/value pair. |
The checkbox's value. |
The checkbox's checked state. |
Puts the checkbox in an indeterminate state. |
Disables the checkbox. |
The type of checkbox to render. |
The checkbox's size. |
The form to associate this control with. If omitted, the closest containing
<form> will be used. The value of this attribute must be an ID of a form in the
same document or shadow root.
Makes the checkbox required. Form submission will not be allowed until the checkbox is checked. |
You can provide a custom error message to force the checkbox to be invalid. To clear the error, set this to an empty string. |
Methods Jump to heading
Checkbox supports the following methods. You can obtain a reference to the element and call them like functions in JavaScript. Learn more about methods
Name | Description | Arguments |
focus() |
Sets focus to the checkbox. | |
blur() |
Removes focus from the checkbox. | |
checkValidity() |
Checks if the form control has any restraints and whether it satisfies them. If invalid,
false will be returned and the invalid event will be dispatched. If valid,
true will be returned.
reportValidity() |
Checks if the form control has any restraints and whether it satisfies them. If invalid,
false will be returned and the invalid event will be dispatched. In
addition, the problem will be reported to the user. If valid, true will be returned.
Events Jump to heading
Checkbox dispatches the following custom events. You can listen to them the same way was native events. Learn more about custom events
Name | Description |
quiet-blur |
Emitted when the checkbox loses focus. This event does not bubble. |
quiet-change |
Emitted when the user commits changes to the checkbox's value. |
quiet-focus |
Emitted when the checkbox receives focus. This event does not bubble. |
quiet-input |
Emitted when the checkbox receives input. |
CSS parts Jump to heading
Checkbox exposes internal elements that can be styled with CSS using the selectors shown below. Learn more about CSS parts
Name | Description | CSS selector |
label |
The <label> that wraps the entire control. |
visual-box |
The element that wraps the internal checkbox. |
check-icon |
The check icon, a <quiet-icon> element. |
check-icon__svg |
The check icon's svg part. |
indeterminate-icon |
The indeterminate icon, a <quiet-icon> element. |
indeterminate-icon__svg |
The indeterminate icon's <svg> part. |
Custom States Jump to heading
Checkbox has the following custom states. You can target them with CSS using the selectors shown below. Learn more about custom states
Name | Description | CSS selector |
checked |
Applied when the checkbox is checked. |
disabled |
Applied when the checkbox is disabled. |
focused |
Applied when the checkbox has focus. |
user-valid |
Applied when the checkbox is valid and the user has sufficiently interacted with it. |
user-invalid |
Applied when the checkbox is invalid and the user has sufficiently interacted with it. |
Dependencies Jump to heading
Checkbox automatically imports the following elements. Sub-dependencies are also included in this list.