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Fit Text

<quiet-fit-text> stable since 1.0

Scales a line of text to fit within its container.

The fit text component is useful for displaying titles, headings, and content of varying lengths on a single line. Instead of wrapping, the text will scale to fit its container within the minimum and maximum font sizes allowed.

A Resize Observer is used internally to make the text respond to window resizing and orientation changes. Try resizing the window or turning your device to see the text update.

The cute gray kitten jumped into the flower pot
<quiet-fit-text id="fit-text__editable" style="border: dashed 2px var(--quiet-neutral-stroke-soft);">
  The cute gray kitten jumped into the flower pot


  label="Customize the text"
  value="The cute gray kitten jumped into the flower pot"

  const text = document.getElementById('fit-text__editable');
  const input = document.getElementById('fit-text__editable-input');

  input.addEventListener('quiet-input', () => {
    text.textContent = input.value;

Only slotted text nodes will be shown. All other nodes types will be ignored.

Examples Jump to heading

Adjusting the width Jump to heading

By default, fit text has block styling so it stretches to fit its containing element. You can set a width or max-width on the component (or a parent element) if you need to constrain it.

Be Quiet
<quiet-fit-text style="max-width: 200px; border: dashed 2px var(--quiet-neutral-stroke-soft);">
  Be Quiet

Changing text styles Jump to heading

Text styles are inherited, so you can set text-related properties on the component itself or an ancestor element.

The cute gray kitten jumped into the flower pot The cute gray kitten jumped into the flower pot The cute gray kitten jumped into the flower pot The cute gray kitten jumped into the flower pot The cute gray kitten jumped into the flower pot
<div style="border: dashed 2px var(--quiet-neutral-stroke-soft);">
  <quiet-fit-text style="font-family: Georgia, serif;">
    The cute gray kitten jumped into the flower pot

  <quiet-fit-text style="font-family: Impact, sans-serif;">
    The cute gray kitten jumped into the flower pot

  <quiet-fit-text style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, sans-serif;">
    The cute gray kitten jumped into the flower pot

  <quiet-fit-text style="font-family: 'Marker Felt', 'Comic Sans MS', cursive;">
    The cute gray kitten jumped into the flower pot

  <quiet-fit-text style="font-family: Consolas, Monaco, monospace;">
    The cute gray kitten jumped into the flower pot

API Jump to heading

Importing Jump to heading

The autoloader is the recommended way to import components but, if you prefer to do it manually, the following code snippets will be helpful.

CDN npm

To manually import <quiet-fit-text> from the CDN, use the following code.

import '';

To manually import <quiet-fit-text> from npm, use the following code.

import '@quietui/quiet/dist/components/fit-text/fit-text.js';

Slots Jump to heading

Fit Text supports the following slots. Learn more about using slots

Name Description
(default) One or more text nodes to display. Non-text nodes will be ignored.

Properties Jump to heading

Fit Text has the following properties that can be set with corresponding attributes. In many cases, the attribute's name is the same as the property's name. If an attribute is different, it will be displayed after the property. Learn more about attributes and properties

Property / Attribute Description Reflects Type Default
The minimum font size to use when scaling, in pixels. The text will never be smaller than this value, which may lead to overflows if the text is excessively long. number 1
The maximum font size to use when scaling, in pixels. The text will never be larger than this value, which may cause the text to not scale the full width of the container. number 128
precision The precision, in pixels, used to scale the text to fit. Larger values are more performant but result in less accurate measurements. number 0.1

Methods Jump to heading

Fit Text supports the following methods. You can obtain a reference to the element and call them like functions in JavaScript. Learn more about methods

Name Description Arguments
resize() Resizes the text to fit inside the container. You probably won't need to call this unless you're loading a font dynamically and need to resize the text after it loads.
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