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CSS Utilities

A handful of optional CSS utilities are provided to make common things a little easier. The goal isn't to be comprehensive, but to reduce boilerplate in your stylesheet.

Usage Jump to heading

To add the CSS utilities to your app, add the following markup to the <head> of your document. If you haven't included a theme yet, make sure to add the default theme as well.

<!-- Default theme (if not already installed) -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

<!-- CSS utilities -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

Flex utilities Jump to heading

The quiet-inline class creates a flex row that wraps when necessary. Use the gap property to adjust the spacing between items.

<div class="quiet-inline">
  <div class="box"></div>
  <div class="box"></div>
  <div class="box"></div>
  <div class="box"></div>

Similarly, the quiet-stack class creates a flex column. Use the gap property to adjust the spacing between items.

<div class="quiet-stack">
  <div class="box"></div>
  <div class="box"></div>
  <div class="box"></div>
  <div class="box"></div>

Side labels Jump to heading

Add class="quiet-side-label" to any Quiet form control that has a label, description, and text box to move the label to the side. To change the width of the label, set the --label-width custom property on the respective elements.

  style="--label-width: 8ch;"
  description="What do you like to be called?" 


  style="--label-width: 8ch;"
  description="Make it pop"


  style="--label-width: 8ch;"
  description="How much do you want?"


  style="--label-width: 8ch;"
  description="Tell us the good and the bad"

The quiet-side-label class doesn't work on native form controls.

Visually hidden Jump to heading

Visually hidden classes provide ways to hide content from the screen while maintaining accessibility for assistive technologies.

  • quiet-vh (visually hidden) - Use when an element must be accessible to assistive technologies like screen readers but should remain hidden in other circumstances.
  • quiet-vh-focusable - The same as quiet-vh, but it will show when the element or any of its children receive focus. Useful for things like "skip to content" links.
  • quiet-vh-label - Apply this to any Quiet form control that has a label part to visually hide the label.
  • quiet-vh-description - Apply this to any Quiet form control that has a description part to visually hide the description.
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