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<quiet-spoiler> stable since 1.0

Spoilers conceal sensitive content and give the user the option of showing it or not, preventing unintentional disclosure.

Content inside a spoiler is rendered inert and cannot be focused or read by a screen reader until the user explicitly shows it. It will, however, show up in the source and in dev tools. This pattern is based off Scott O'Hara's accessible spoiler post .

Spoiling a book or movie, especially one centered around a theme as universally beloved as cats, can significantly detract from the enjoyment of the narrative. The joy of diving into a story about cats, with their mysterious and often whimsical nature, lies in the unexpected twists and turns that mirror their unpredictable behavior.
  Spoiling a book or movie, especially one centered around a theme as universally beloved as cats, can significantly 
  detract from the enjoyment of the narrative. The joy of diving into a story about cats, with their mysterious and 
  often whimsical nature, lies in the unexpected twists and turns that mirror their unpredictable behavior.

Examples Jump to heading

Changing the reveal label Jump to heading

Use the label attribute to provide a plain text label for the spoiler's reveal. If you want to provide HTML, use the label slot instead.

Warning! NSFW
In the quiet hours of the night, when the house is still, the kittens decide it's time for their raucous escapades. They've discovered the laundry basket, not for napping, but for a game of 'who can make the most noise with the least amount of fabric. Tumbling into a pile of freshly washed socks, they wrestle and roll, occasionally getting their tiny claws stuck in more intimate articles of clothing, leading to a flurry of playful, albeit slightly embarrassing, attempts to free themselves. Their innocent chaos turns the bedroom into a scene that's part comedy, part mild scandal, as they inadvertently create a kitten burlesque show with every leap and pounce.
<quiet-spoiler class="spoiler__reveal">
  <span slot="label">
    <quiet-icon name="hand-stop"></quiet-icon><br>
    Warning! NSFW
  In the quiet hours of the night, when the house is still, the kittens decide it's time for their raucous escapades. They've discovered the laundry basket, not for napping, but for a game of 'who can make the most noise with the least amount of fabric. Tumbling into a pile of freshly washed socks, they wrestle and roll, occasionally getting their tiny claws stuck in more intimate articles of clothing, leading to a flurry of playful, albeit slightly embarrassing, attempts to free themselves. Their innocent chaos turns the bedroom into a scene that's part comedy, part mild scandal, as they inadvertently create a kitten burlesque show with every leap and pounce.

  .spoiler__reveal {
    quiet-icon {
      font-size: 1.5rem;

    &::part(label) {
      border-radius: 1rem;
      padding-block: 1rem;

Inline spoilers Jump to heading

Add the inline attribute to render the spoiler inline.

My favorite cats are tabby cats and flabby cats.
My favorite cats are <quiet-spoiler inline label="?">tabby cats</quiet-spoiler> and <quiet-spoiler inline label="?">flabby cats</quiet-spoiler>.

Keep it short! The content within inline spoilers won't wrap.

Changing the effect Jump to heading

The default spoiler effect is blur, which blurs the content but still leaves a visual hint. To completely cover the spoiler, use the solid effect. To add noise, use the noise effect.

Spoiling a good book, even one about something as universally beloved as kittens, robs you of the journey the author intended. Imagine unfolding a mystery only to have the solution handed to you at the start; the delight of discovery, the emotional rollercoaster, and the gradual unveiling of characters' depths are all diminished. In a book about kittens, you might expect tales of mischief, growth, and perhaps even a bit of heart-warming drama. Spoiling a good book, even one about something as universally beloved as kittens, robs you of the journey the author intended. Imagine unfolding a mystery only to have the solution handed to you at the start; the delight of discovery, the emotional rollercoaster, and the gradual unveiling of characters' depths are all diminished. In a book about kittens, you might expect tales of mischief, growth, and perhaps even a bit of heart-warming drama.
<quiet-spoiler effect="solid">
  Spoiling a good book, even one about something as universally beloved as kittens, robs you of the journey the author 
  intended. Imagine unfolding a mystery only to have the solution handed to you at the start; the delight of discovery, 
  the emotional rollercoaster, and the gradual unveiling of characters' depths are all diminished. In a book about 
  kittens, you might expect tales of mischief, growth, and perhaps even a bit of heart-warming drama.

<quiet-spoiler effect="noise">
  Spoiling a good book, even one about something as universally beloved as kittens, robs you of the journey the author 
  intended. Imagine unfolding a mystery only to have the solution handed to you at the start; the delight of discovery, 
  the emotional rollercoaster, and the gradual unveiling of characters' depths are all diminished. In a book about 
  kittens, you might expect tales of mischief, growth, and perhaps even a bit of heart-warming drama.

Showing images Jump to heading

You can show images in a spoiler just like any other content.

Show me the kitten! A kitten plays with toys
  <span slot="label">Show me the kitten!</span>
  <img src="" alt="A kitten plays with toys">

Showing videos Jump to heading

You can show videos in a spoiler just like any other content.

<quiet-spoiler label="Show the video">
  <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen style="margin-block-end: 0;"></iframe>

Persisting spoilers Jump to heading

To persist the spoiler once shown, add the persist attribute. This will remove the spoiler's close button. To programmatically hide it again, set the visible property to false.

Spoiling a book or movie, especially one centered around a theme as universally beloved as cats, can significantly detract from the enjoyment of the narrative. The joy of diving into a story about cats, with their mysterious and often whimsical nature, lies in the unexpected twists and turns that mirror their unpredictable behavior.

If you really want to know, just ask the gray cat!

Reset demos
<div id="spoiler__persist">
  <quiet-spoiler persist>
    Spoiling a book or movie, especially one centered around a theme as universally beloved as cats, can significantly 
    detract from the enjoyment of the narrative. The joy of diving into a story about cats, with their mysterious and 
    often whimsical nature, lies in the unexpected twists and turns that mirror their unpredictable behavior.

  <p style="margin-block-start: 2rem;">
    If you really want to know, just ask <quiet-spoiler persist inline label="?">the gray cat!</quiet-spoiler>

  <quiet-button>Reset demos</quiet-button>

  const container = document.getElementById('spoiler__persist');
  const resetButton = container.querySelector('quiet-button');

  resetButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
    container.querySelectorAll('quiet-spoiler').forEach(spoiler => spoiler.visible = false);

Grouping spoilers Jump to heading

Set the name attribute to the same value to group spoilers. Only one spoiler in a group will be shown at a time.

Kittens, with their boundless energy, are the epitome of play. They chase after anything that moves, honing their hunting skills through endless games. Their playful tumbles not only entertain but also strengthen bonds with their human families. In a kitten's world, every object is a potential toy. A simple string or a feather can become a dragon to chase or a bird to catch. This playfulness is essential for their development, teaching them skills they'll need as adults. Watching kittens play is like witnessing a circus act. They leap and tumble with a grace that belies their tiny size, turning every moment into a spectacle of joy. Their antics remind us to find joy in the simplest of things.
<quiet-spoiler name="lorem" label="Section 1">
  Kittens, with their boundless energy, are the epitome of play. They chase after anything that moves, honing their hunting skills through endless games. Their playful tumbles not only entertain but also strengthen bonds with their human families.

<quiet-spoiler name="lorem" label="Section 2">
  In a kitten's world, every object is a potential toy. A simple string or a feather can become a dragon to chase or a bird to catch. This playfulness is essential for their development, teaching them skills they'll need as adults.

<quiet-spoiler name="lorem" label="Section 3">
  Watching kittens play is like witnessing a circus act. They leap and tumble with a grace that belies their tiny size, turning every moment into a spectacle of joy. Their antics remind us to find joy in the simplest of things.

Styling spoilers Jump to heading

Spoilers come with a simple, minimal appearance. Feel free to customize them with your own styles.

Reveal the ending

With the sun setting behind them, the kittens stood at the forest's edge. Smudge, the wise gray tabby, looked at his siblings. "We've seen the world," he meowed softly.

Luna, ever the brave one, nodded. "And it's all ours."

Together, they stepped into the woods, their tiny paws barely making a sound. The forest, dark and full of whispers, welcomed them. As night fell, their eyes gleamed like stars, leading them into the unknown, where every shadow held a new tale. And so, their adventure continued, into the heart of the wild, forever chasing the next horizon.

<quiet-spoiler class="spoiler__bg">
  <span slot="label">
    <quiet-icon name="book"></quiet-icon><br>
    Reveal the ending
  <p>With the sun setting behind them, the kittens stood at the forest's edge. Smudge, the wise gray tabby, looked at his siblings. "We've seen the world," he meowed softly.</p>
  <p>Luna, ever the brave one, nodded. "And it's all ours."</p>
  <p>Together, they stepped into the woods, their tiny paws barely making a sound. The forest, dark and full of whispers, welcomed them. As night fell, their eyes gleamed like stars, leading them into the unknown, where every shadow held a new tale. And so, their adventure continued, into the heart of the wild, forever chasing the next horizon.</p>

  .spoiler__bg {
    quiet-icon {
      font-size: 1.5rem;

    &::part(cover) {
      background-color: hsla(0, 100%, 50%, 1);
        radial-gradient(at 40% 20%, hsla(28, 100%, 74%, 1) 0px, transparent 50%),
        radial-gradient(at 80% 0%, hsla(189, 100%, 56%, 1) 0px, transparent 50%),
        radial-gradient(at 0% 50%, hsla(355, 100%, 93%, 1) 0px, transparent 50%),
        radial-gradient(at 80% 50%, hsla(340, 100%, 76%, 1) 0px, transparent 50%),
        radial-gradient(at 0% 100%, hsla(22, 100%, 77%, 1) 0px, transparent 50%),
        radial-gradient(at 80% 100%, hsla(242, 100%, 70%, 1) 0px, transparent 50%),
        radial-gradient(at 0% 0%, hsla(343, 100%, 76%, 1) 0px, transparent 50%);
      background-size: 100%;

    &::part(cover):focus-visible {
      outline-color: #7b60eb;

    &::part(label) {
      background-color: #0006;
      color: white;
      padding-inline: 2rem;
      padding-block: 1rem;

    &::part(hide-button) {
      background-color: #7b60eb;
      color: white;

    &::part(hide-button):focus-visible {
      outline-color: #7b60eb;

    p:last-child {
      margin-block-end: 0;

API Jump to heading

Importing Jump to heading

The autoloader is the recommended way to import components but, if you prefer to do it manually, the following code snippets will be helpful.

CDN npm

To manually import <quiet-spoiler> from the CDN, use the following code.

import '';

To manually import <quiet-spoiler> from npm, use the following code.

import '@quietui/quiet/dist/components/spoiler/spoiler.js';

Slots Jump to heading

Spoiler supports the following slots. Learn more about using slots

Name Description
(default) The spoiler's content.
label A custom label for the reveal text. For plain-text labels, you can use the label attribute instead.

Properties Jump to heading

Spoiler has the following properties that can be set with corresponding attributes. In many cases, the attribute's name is the same as the property's name. If an attribute is different, it will be displayed after the property. Learn more about attributes and properties

Property / Attribute Description Reflects Type Default
visible Shows or hides the spoiler's content. boolean false
inline Renders the spoiler inline. boolean false
persist Removes the hide button and persists the content when shown. boolean false
effect Determines how the spoiler is hidden. 'blur'
label The spoiler's label. If you need to provide HTML in the label, use the label slot instead. string
name When more than one spoilers share the same name, only will be shown at a time. string ''

CSS custom properties Jump to heading

Spoiler supports the following CSS custom properties. You can style them like any other CSS property. Learn more about CSS custom properties

Name Description Default
--blur The amount of blur when using the blur effect. 8px

CSS parts Jump to heading

Spoiler exposes internal elements that can be styled with CSS using the selectors shown below. Learn more about CSS parts

Name Description CSS selector
content The container that holds the spoiler's content. ::part(content)
cover The element that covers the spoiler, a <button> element. ::part(cover)
label The container that wraps the label, a <span> element. ::part(label)
hide-button The button that hides the spoiler, a <button> element containing an icon. ::part(hide-button)
hide-icon The hide icon, a <quiet-icon> element. ::part(hide-icon)
hide-icon__svg The hide icon's svg part. ::part(hide-icon__svg)

Dependencies Jump to heading

Spoiler automatically imports the following elements. Sub-dependencies are also included in this list.

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