Popovers provide additional information or functionality without interrupting the flow of content.
Popovers appear when a corresponding anchor element is clicked. Unlike tooltips, popovers can contain interactive content such as links, buttons, and form controls. They are not modal, so no overlay is shown when open. Popovers will close when the user clicks outside of them or presses Escape. Only one popover can be open at a time.
<quiet-popover for="popover__overview"> <div style="display: flex; gap: 1.5rem; align-items: center;"> <img src="https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1579014868745-23e405c5605d?q=80&w=400&auto=format&fit=crop&ixlib=rb-4.0.3&ixid=M3wxMjA3fDB8MHxwaG90by1wYWdlfHx8fGVufDB8fHx8fA%3D%3D" alt="A gray kitten yawns but it looks like a laugh" style="max-width: 8rem;" > <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: space-between; gap: 1.5rem"> Cats love chasing popovers that appear on the screen. I wonder what they would do if they actually caught one. <quiet-button variant="primary" size="sm">Learn more</quiet-button> </div> </div> </quiet-popover> <quiet-button id="popover__overview">Show popover</quiet-button>
Examples Jump to heading
Assigning an anchor Jump to heading
Popover anchors should be <quiet-button>
or <button>
elements. Use the
attribute on the popover to link it to the anchor's id
<quiet-button id="popover__anchor-button">Show popover</quiet-button> <quiet-popover for="popover__anchor-button"> I'm just a popover anchored to a button. </quiet-popover> <br><br> <button id="popover__anchor-native-button">Show popover</button> <quiet-popover for="popover__anchor-native-button"> I'm just a popover anchored to a native button. </quiet-popover>
The anchor element must be in the DOM when the popover is connected, otherwise the popover won't be attached and a warning will be shown in the console.
Opening and closing popovers Jump to heading
Popovers will be shown when their anchor element is clicked. You can open and close a popover
programmatically by obtaining a reference to it and setting the open
property to
or false
, respectively.
As a convenience, you can add data-popover="close"
to any button inside a popover to
close it without additional JavaScript.
The button below has data-popover="close"
so clicking it will close the popover.
<quiet-popover for="popover__opening"> <p>The button below has <code>data-popover="close"</code> so clicking it will close the popover.</p> <quiet-button data-popover="close" variant="primary">Dismiss</quiet-button> </quiet-popover> <quiet-button id="popover__opening">Show popover</quiet-button>
Placement Jump to heading
Use the placement
attribute to change the preferred location of the popover in reference to its
anchor. The popover will shift to a more optimal location if the preferred placement doesn't have enough
room. The default placement is top
<quiet-button id="popover__top">Top</quiet-button> <quiet-popover for="popover__top" placement="top">I'm on the top</quiet-popover> <quiet-button id="popover__bottom">Bottom</quiet-button> <quiet-popover for="popover__bottom" placement="bottom">I'm on the bottom</quiet-popover> <quiet-button id="popover__left">Left</quiet-button> <quiet-popover for="popover__left" placement="left">I'm on the left </quiet-popover> <quiet-button id="popover__right">Right</quiet-button> <quiet-popover for="popover__right" placement="right">I'm on the right</quiet-popover>
Distance Jump to heading
You can change the distance of the popover from the anchor by setting the distance
attribute to
the desired number of pixels.
<quiet-button id="popover__distance-near">Near</quiet-button> <quiet-popover for="popover__distance-near" distance="0">I'm so near</quiet-popover> <quiet-button id="popover__distance-far">Far</quiet-button> <quiet-popover for="popover__distance-far" distance="30">I'm so far</quiet-popover>
Changing the arrow size Jump to heading
You can change the size of the popover's arrow with the --arrow-size
custom property. Set it to
to remove the arrow.
<quiet-button id="popover__big-arrow">Big arrow</quiet-button> <quiet-popover for="popover__big-arrow" style="--arrow-size: 8px;">I have a big arrow</quiet-popover> <quiet-button id="popover__no-arrow">No arrow</quiet-button> <quiet-popover for="popover__no-arrow" style="--arrow-size: 0;">I don't have an arrow</quiet-popover>
Setting a max width Jump to heading
Use the --max-width
custom property to change the maximum width of the popover.
<quiet-button id="popover__max-width">Toggle me</quiet-button> <quiet-popover for="popover__max-width" style="--max-width: 160px;"> Popovers will usually grow to be a lot wider, but this one has a custom max width. </quiet-popover>
Setting focus on open Jump to heading
To move focus to a specific form control when the popover opens, use the
global attribute.
<quiet-popover for="popover__autofocus"> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; gap: 1rem;"> <quiet-text-field autofocus label="New value" size="sm"></quiet-text-field> <quiet-button variant="primary" size="sm" data-popover="close">Update</quiet-button> </div> </quiet-popover> <quiet-button id="popover__autofocus"> <quiet-icon slot="start" name="edit"></quiet-icon> Edit </quiet-button>
Using popovers as confirmations Jump to heading
A common popover pattern is to get confirmation before performing a destructive action.
<quiet-popover for="popover__confirmation" placement="right"> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; gap: 0.5rem;"> <quiet-button variant="destructive" size="sm" data-popover="close">Confirm delete</quiet-button> <quiet-button size="sm" data-popover="close">Cancel</quiet-button> </div> </quiet-popover> <quiet-button id="popover__confirmation" variant="destructive">Delete</quiet-button>
Using tab lists in popovers Jump to heading
You can use tab lists in popovers to categorize content as needed.
<quiet-popover for="popover__tabs" id="popover__tablist"> <quiet-tab-list label="Select a tab"> <quiet-tab panel="first">First</quiet-tab> <quiet-tab panel="second">Second</quiet-tab> <quiet-tab panel="third">Third</quiet-tab> <quiet-tab-panel name="first">Cats have a unique way of communicating — they can make over 100 vocal sounds, each meaning something different.</quiet-tab-panel> <quiet-tab-panel name="second">A cat's sense of smell is much stronger than that of humans, making their noses one of their most important tools.</quiet-tab-panel> <quiet-tab-panel name="third">A group of kittens is called a "kindle," a term that perfectly captures the warmth and charm they bring.</quiet-tab-panel> </quiet-tab-list> </quiet-popover> <quiet-button id="popover__tabs">Facts about cats</quiet-button> <style> #popover__tablist::part(content) { padding: 0; } #popover__tablist quiet-tab-list::part(panels) { padding: 1rem; } </style>
API Jump to heading
Importing Jump to heading
The autoloader is the recommended way to import components but, if you prefer to do it manually, the following code snippets will be helpful.
To manually import <quiet-popover>
from the CDN, use the following code.
import 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@quietui/quiet@1.0.0/dist/components/popover/popover.js';
To manually import <quiet-popover>
from npm, use the following code.
import '@quietui/quiet/dist/components/popover/popover.js';
Slots Jump to heading
Popover supports the following slots. Learn more about using slots
Name | Description |
(default) | The popover's content. Do not include interactive elements such as button, links, etc. as they won't be accessible to users inside the popover. |
Properties Jump to heading
Popover has the following properties that can be set with corresponding attributes. In many cases, the attribute's name is the same as the property's name. If an attribute is different, it will be displayed after the property. Learn more about attributes and properties
Property / Attribute | Description | Reflects | Type | Default |
The ID of of popover's anchor element. This must be an interactive/focusable element such as a button and it must be in the same document as the popover. |
Shows or hides the popover. |
The placement of the popover in reference to the anchor. The menu will shift to a more optimal location if the preferred placement doesn't have enough room. |
The distance of the popover from its anchor. |
The offset of the popover along its trigger. |
Events Jump to heading
Popover dispatches the following custom events. You can listen to them the same way was native events. Learn more about custom events
Name | Description |
quiet-open |
Emitted when the popover is instructed to open but before it is shown. |
quiet-opened |
Emitted when the popover has opened and the animation has completed. |
quiet-close |
Emitted when the popover is dismissed but before it is hidden. |
quiet-closed |
Emitted when the popover has closed. and the animation has completed. |
CSS custom properties Jump to heading
Popover supports the following CSS custom properties. You can style them like any other CSS property. Learn more about CSS custom properties
Name | Description | Default |
--arrow-size |
The size of the arrow. Set this to 0 to hide the arrow.
--max-width |
The maximum width the popover be before wrapping. |
--show-duration |
The duration of the show/hide animation. |
CSS parts Jump to heading
Popover exposes internal elements that can be styled with CSS using the selectors shown below. Learn more about CSS parts
Name | Description | CSS selector |
dialog |
The element that powers the popover, a <dialog> element.
content |
The element that wraps the popover's content. |
arrow |
The popover's arrow. To change the arrow's size, use --arrow-size instead.
Custom States Jump to heading
Popover has the following custom states. You can target them with CSS using the selectors shown below. Learn more about custom states
Name | Description | CSS selector |
open |
Applied when the popover is open. |