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File Input

<quiet-file-input> stable since 1.0

File inputs let the user select files to upload to the server.

  label="Select a file" 
  description="Files must be 20MB or less"

This component works like a native file input . Files can be posted to your server as multipart form data or you can access them via JavaScript for processing.

Examples Jump to heading

Labels and descriptions Jump to heading

You can use the label and description attributes to provide plain text labels and descriptions for the file input. If you want to provide HTML, use the label and description slots instead.

For more information, visit our website.
<quiet-file-input name="file" label="Select a file">
  <span slot="description">
    For more information, <a href="" target="_blank">visit our website</a>.

Uploading with forms Jump to heading

When uploading a file from a form, you'll probably want to add method="post" and enctype="multipart/form-data" to the form so the files will be sent to the server correctly.

  <quiet-file-input name="files" label="Select a file"></quiet-file-input>
  <quiet-button type="submit" variant="primary">Upload</quiet-button>

  const form = document.getElementById('file-input__uploading');

  form.addEventListener('submit', event => {

    const formData = new FormData(form);

Working with files Jump to heading

Use the files property to get an array of selected files. Note the use of an array instead of a FileList , which allows you to add, modify, and remove files more easily than a native file input.

Try selecting a few files and then clicking each button.

Reverse Clear
  label="Select some files" 
  description="Files must be 20MB or less"
<quiet-button type="submit">Reverse</quiet-button>
<quiet-button type="submit">Clear</quiet-button>

  const fileInput = document.getElementById('file-input__accessing');
  const reverseButton = fileInput.nextElementSibling.nextElementSibling;
  const clearButton = reverseButton.nextElementSibling;

  // Reverse
  reverseButton.addEventListener('click', event => {
    fileInput.files = fileInput.files.toReversed();

  // Clear
  clearButton.addEventListener('click', event => {
    fileInput.files = [];

The files property must be reassigned, not mutated! Avoid using functions that mutate the array, such as reverse() and sort() , because they won't trigger an update.

Accepting multiple files Jump to heading

Add the multiple attribute to allow the file input to accept more than one file.

  label="Select the files you want to upload" 

Accepting file types Jump to heading

To limit the file input to certain file types, set the accept attribute to a comma-separated string of unique file type specifiers .

  label="Upload a picture of your cat" 
  accept="image/jpeg, image/png, image/gif, image/webp"

Changing the size Jump to heading

<quiet-file-input size="xs" name="xs" label="Extra small"></quiet-file-input><br>
<quiet-file-input size="sm" name="sm" label="Small"></quiet-file-input><br>
<quiet-file-input size="md" name="md" label="Medium"></quiet-file-input><br>
<quiet-file-input size="lg" name="lg" label="Large"></quiet-file-input><br>
<quiet-file-input size="xl" name="xl" label="Extra large"></quiet-file-input>

Custom dropzone content Jump to heading

Use the dropzone slot to customize what appears inside the dropzone.

Choose some files to send to the cloud
<quiet-file-input name="files" label="Upload a file" multiple>
  <div slot="dropzone">
    <quiet-icon name="cloud-upload" style="font-size: 2rem;"></quiet-icon>
    Choose some files to send to the cloud

Button-only file inputs Jump to heading

Button-only file inputs aren't supported, but you can achieve this pattern with a button, a native <input type="file">, and a bit of JavaScript. If you're using Quiet Restyle, you can use the quiet-vh utility class to hide the input.

Select files
<quiet-button id="file-input__button-only">Select files</quiet-button>
<input class="quiet-vh" type="file" name="file">

  const button = document.getElementById('file-input__button-only');
  const fileInput = button.nextElementSibling;

  // Open the system file browser when the button is clicked
  button.addEventListener('click', () => {;

  // Listen for files to be selected
  fileInput.addEventListener('change', () => {
    // Do something with the files

    // Reset the input
    fileInput.value = '';

Validation Jump to heading

The required attribute can be applied to enable validation using the Constraint Validation API . This will prevent form submission until the user has selected a file.

Submit Reset
<form action="about:blank" method="get" target="_blank">
  <quiet-file-input name="file" label="Select a file" required></quiet-file-input>
  <quiet-button type="submit" variant="primary">Submit</quiet-button>
  <quiet-button type="reset">Reset</quiet-button>

Using custom validation Jump to heading

Use the setCustomValidity() method to make the file input invalid and show a custom error message on submit. This will override all other validation parameters. To clear the error, remove the attribute or set it to an empty string.

Submit Reset
<form action="about:blank" method="get" target="_blank" id="file-input__custom-validation">
    label="Select a file" 
  <quiet-button type="submit" variant="primary">Submit</quiet-button>
  <quiet-button type="reset">Reset</quiet-button>

<script type="module">
  import { allDefined } from '/dist/quiet.js';

  await allDefined();

  const form = document.getElementById('file-input__custom-validation');
  const fileInput = form.querySelector('quiet-file-input');

  fileInput.setCustomValidity('Not so fast, bubba!');

Styling validation Jump to heading

You can style valid and invalid file inputs using the :valid and :invalid pseudo classes.

Submit Reset
<form action="about:blank" method="get" target="_blank" class="file-input__validation-pseudo">
  <quiet-file-input name="file" label="Select a file" required></quiet-file-input>
  <quiet-button type="submit" variant="primary">Submit</quiet-button>
  <quiet-button type="reset">Reset</quiet-button>

  .file-input__validation-pseudo {
    quiet-file-input:valid {
      outline: solid 2px var(--quiet-constructive-stroke-mid);
      outline-offset: .5rem;

    quiet-file-input:invalid {
      outline: solid 2px var(--quiet-destructive-stroke-mid);
      outline-offset: .5rem;

However, these selectors will match even before the user has had a chance to fill out the form. More often than not, you'll want to use the user-valid and user-invalid custom states instead. This way, validation styles are only shown after the user interacts with the form control or when the form is submitted.

Submit Reset
<form action="about:blank" method="get" target="_blank" class="file-input__validation-custom">
  <quiet-file-input name="file" label="Select a file" required></quiet-file-input>
  <quiet-button type="submit" variant="primary">Submit</quiet-button>
  <quiet-button type="reset">Reset</quiet-button>

  .file-input__validation-custom {
    quiet-file-input:state(user-valid) {
      outline: solid 2px var(--quiet-constructive-stroke-mid);
      outline-offset: .5rem;

    quiet-file-input:state(user-invalid) {
      outline: solid 2px var(--quiet-destructive-stroke-mid);
      outline-offset: .5rem;

API Jump to heading

Importing Jump to heading

The autoloader is the recommended way to import components but, if you prefer to do it manually, the following code snippets will be helpful.

CDN npm

To manually import <quiet-file-input> from the CDN, use the following code.

import '';

To manually import <quiet-file-input> from npm, use the following code.

import '@quietui/quiet/dist/components/file-input/file-input.js';

Slots Jump to heading

File Input supports the following slots. Learn more about using slots

Name Description
label The file input's label. For plain-text labels, you can use the label attribute instead.
description The file input's description. For plain-text descriptions, you can use the description attribute instead.
dropzone Custom content to show in the dropzone.

Properties Jump to heading

File Input has the following properties that can be set with corresponding attributes. In many cases, the attribute's name is the same as the property's name. If an attribute is different, it will be displayed after the property. Learn more about attributes and properties

Property / Attribute Description Reflects Type Default
files An array of files that are currently selected. (Property only) File[] []
label The text field's label. If you need to provide HTML in the label, use the label slot instead. string
description The text field's description. If you need to provide HTML in the description, use the description slot instead. string
name The name of the file input. This will be submitted with the form as a name/value pair. string
disabled Disables the file input. boolean false
accept A list of acceptable file types. Must be a comma-separated list of unique file type specifiers . boolean false
multiple Allows more than one file to be selected. boolean false
size The file input's size. 'xs'
form The form to associate this control with. If omitted, the closest containing <form> will be used. The value of this attribute must be an ID of a form in the same document or shadow root. string
required Makes the file input required. Form submission will not be allowed when this is set and no files are selected. boolean false

Events Jump to heading

File Input dispatches the following custom events. You can listen to them the same way was native events. Learn more about custom events

Name Description
quiet-blur Emitted when the file input loses focus. This event does not bubble.
quiet-change Emitted when the user selects or removes a file.
quiet-focus Emitted when the file input receives focus. This event does not bubble.
quiet-input Emitted when the file input receives input.

CSS parts Jump to heading

File Input exposes internal elements that can be styled with CSS using the selectors shown below. Learn more about CSS parts

Name Description CSS selector
label The element that contains the text field's label, a <label> element. ::part(label)
description The element that contains the text field's description. ::part(description)
dropzone The bordered region where files can be dropped. ::part(dropzone)
file-list The list of files shown when at least one file is selected. ::part(file-list)
file A selected file will be drawn in this container. ::part(file)
file-thumbnail The container that hold's the file's image or icon. ::part(file-thumbnail)
file-image The file's image preview (if it's an image). ::part(file-image)
file-icon The file's icon (if it's not an image). ::part(file-icon)
file-icon__svg The <svg> part of the file icon. ::part(file-icon__svg)
file-details The container that holds the filename and size. ::part(file-details)
file-name The container that holds the file's name, a <span> element. ::part(file-name)
file-size The container that holds the file's size, a <small> element. ::part(file-size)
file-actions The container that holds the file's remove button. ::part(file-actions)
file-remove-button The file's remove button. ::part(file-remove-button)
file-remove-button__button The button part of the file's remove button. ::part(file-remove-button__button)

Custom States Jump to heading

File Input has the following custom states. You can target them with CSS using the selectors shown below. Learn more about custom states

Name Description CSS selector
disabled Applied when the file input is disabled. :state(disabled)
blank Applied when the file input has a blank value. :state(blank)
focused Applied when the file input has focus. :state(focused)
user-valid Applied when the file input is valid and the user has sufficiently interacted with it. :state(user-valid)
user-invalid Applied when the file input is invalid and the user has sufficiently interacted with it. :state(user-invalid)

Dependencies Jump to heading

File Input automatically imports the following elements. Sub-dependencies are also included in this list.

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